Truffe online: il signor Shazad dalla Siria vuole comprare casa tua

Una variante della truffa de “Email truffa: il capitano Benny vuole comprarsi la tua casa” .
Questa volta è il signor Hafiz Shazad dalla tormentata Siria che vuole investire i 20 milioni di dollari della sua famiglia comprando proprio casa tua!
Normalmente la comunicazione arriva a chi mette annunci di vendita di case sui siti specializzati.
Nel caso specifico, una lettrice del blog aveva pubblicato un annuncio di vendita su un sito tedesco di vendita immobiliare.
Ecco il testo del primo contatto

Please contact me, I am interested to buy your property.

Sincere thanks,

Hafiz Shazad.

Ad una, anche timida, risposta ecco il secondo testo con la commovente storia della famiglia del signor Shazad


Thank you for your response. I’m glad to note in your mail that your property is still available; I am genuinely interested to buy the property, I am not living in your country presently, as to enable me come for a personal inspection of the property before paying for it. At the time, I am stationed in Syria, although I want to relocate to your country in the near future, which is why I desire to buy the property from you.

I am Mrs Hafiz Shazad the wife of Engr Ahmad Shazad a Syrian Industrialist and member of a Syrian business men In council Damascus. After the death of my husband, My family is under threat of President Bashar al-Assad for Resolute our support for a true Democratic Government in Syria that is why they killed my husband.

Due to the current President Bashar al-Assad protest in the country Many families are running for dear lives as their soldiers are killing civilians, women and children. I want to bring to your notice that I have in my possession the sum of 24,000.000 million Euros. This is the money me and my husband have saved for our entire life as an Industrialist.

I placed the money in trunk box and deposited it with the Red Cross here in Damascus. My sincere intention in writing you is to gain your kind permission and acceptance to receive the money on my behalf in your country and also make investment with it. For your permission and acceptance, I will give you 20% commission as well as buy the property from you.

I have to take this chance because I have no other alternative but to trust somebody. Am an orphan with no brother or sister so I can not risk my life here to avoid an end to my family lineage. as a woman since my husband is dead All I have is my daughter and son. They deserve a decent life since I want them to grow up in a peaceful environment. I will relocate to your country with my family and invest the money In accordance with law, your advice and assistance, we can work together and achieve a better future for our families.

If possible, may I request you to send me your information? Only if you are comfortable with this request. This is purely for the purpose of sending the money to you. The information needed is: Your full name, your private phone number, your full address.

I anticipate your positive response and on receipt of your information I will Provide you with further details.


Hafiz Shazad.

L’unico dubbio che mi rimane è se si tratti di riciclaggio o se poi avrebbero chiesto soldi per sbloccare la somma per il pagamento della casa.
In ogni caso non conviene andare avanti. Attenzione.

Truffe online: il signor Shazad dalla Siria vuole comprare casa tua